مرسلة من صديقة نورت مغربية صحراوية

اهداء الى كل المغاربة في كل مكان من هذا العالم و الى الاخوة في نورة اختكم حنان.

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‫155 تعليق

  1. I wil tell you .. I no stop commenting here till you stop speaking my name here.. when some of you bring my name on this page . me CHTITHA go a head with saying the truth about you … IM not so easy as you think ok.

  2. u talk like Algerians are the best people on earth and all of u guys are fair to others .we are all the same and we all have the same mentality so stop showing others that ure the best because ure not.relaxxxxxxxxxx ok

  3. easy about what. im telling ure trying to get attention.u know go discuss the problems in ure country with ure own poeple im sure u will find plenty of them and trust me u will spend weeks and weeks trying to solve them and this way u can kill some the free time spending here tring to annoy other people.u know usually i dont put any comments but nta inssan moustafiz i really feel like hitting u

  4. when some one bring my name here , I reacte immediatly .. other wise I say nothing … look all my comments are just answer to defend my self … look at my comments ther are no insults just critic to the wrong political system in your land .. no any insulte from me .. your peopels insulte me … cus they did not accepte the truth …

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