خلع الأمير هاري وزوجته ميغن، صباح الجمعة، أحذيتهما للمشاركة في تجمع لراكبي أمواج على رمال شاطئ بوندي الشهير في سيدني.

وطوق دوق ودوقة ساسكس عنقهما بعقد من الزهور وجلسا ضمن دائرة مع أعضاء من جمعية “وان وايف” التي تروج لنشاطات في الهواء الطلق مثل ركوب الأمواج لتجاوز المشاكل النفسية.
والتقى هاري وميغن في الصباح الباكر راكبي الأمواج الذين أتوا إلى شاطئ بوندي الشهير فيما تجمع الكثير من سكان المنطقة لرؤية الأمير وزوجته.
وأوضح كريستر كوندل (26 عاما) “لا نزال نسمع أشخاصا يتذكرون زيارة الملكة في العام 1954 ويستمرون في الحديث عنها”.
وأضاف: “أتصور أنه حدث يمكنني أن أرويه لأحفادي والأجيال المقبلة. إنه لأمر رائع”.
وباشر هاري (34 عاما) وزوجته ميغن (37 عاما) الاثنين في سيدني جولة تستمر 16 يوما في منطقة المحيط الهادئ. وقد أعلنا لدى وصولهما انتظارهما لمولود في الربيع لمقبل.
ولا تزال الملكة إليزابيث الثانية جدة الأمير هاري رئيسة الدولة في أستراليا إلا أن غالبية وإن ضئيلة من الأستراليين تؤيد تغيير الوضع وتحول البلاد إلى جمهورية على ما تظهر استطلاعات الرأي الأخيرة.
وتبقى سلطة التاج البريطاني في أستراليا رمزية جدا لكن الملكة تتمتع بشعبية كبيرة في صفوف الأستراليين. إلا أن البعض يرى أن الملكية هي من مخلفات حقبة الاستعمار البريطاني. لكن الأستراليين خصوا الأمير وزوجته باستقبال حار أينما حلا.
وسيعتلي الأمير، الجمعة، جسر هاربر بريدج لافتتاح ألعاب “إنفكتوس” التي يشارك فيها جرحى ومعوقو حرب.
ويتوجه الأمير وزوجته، الاثنين، إلى فرايزر ايلاند أكبر جزيرة رملية في العالم في مقاطعة كوينزلاند وينتقلان بعدها إلى جزر فيدجي وتونغا ونيوزيلندا.Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

Meghan cradles her baby bump on Sydney beach and wears £880 maxi dress before she and Harry kick off their shoes to join an 'anti-bad vibes circle' with surfing mental health group

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