مرسلة من صديق نورت Abdelouahab

in your eyes i feel that life has more colors
and when i touch your hands i feel the live is magical
when i hear your voice i cry to my happiness

So please never never think you lose me
without you my live in the darkness.all the world is the ennemy
no love .no dreams.no colors

without you i hate me more than all things
and no different between day and night
the time without you stop

the climate is is cold and snow no birds no butterflys
just night just darkness just me

So please dont never never forget me

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‫14 تعليق

  1. عبود كلماتك رائعه من أول كلمه قرأتها أبحرت بخيالى بعيدا فكلماتك من شدة رقتها تدخل القلب دون استئذان

  2. if you have the magic of words and true feelings,, you can express by any language because your words will find their way to our heart
    i want suggest for this sentence :” when i hear your voice i cry to my happiness” to become
    when i hear your voice..my sorrow melt away and the happiness reaches into my soul

  3. بعد ان ينام الاصدقاء اظهروا تعليقي حتى لا يوجد صديق ادردش معه
    او امسحوا تعليقي كما تفعلون

  4. السلام عليكم جميعاً…اعذروني انا مُعاقبه اليوم …تصلكم كلماتي بعد فوات الاوان…

    دونا شكرا لسؤالكِ عني …الله يبارك فيك

  5. For the first time the topic is different in another language gives you a wellness and thank you

    nice topic thank you again once Abdelouahab

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